Hackathon Attribution + Credit Policy
AEC Tech, AEC Tech Academy, and other related organizations are strong supporters of Free and Open Source Software (FOSS). All events hosted by our organizations, including hackathons and similar programs, follow the 18F, a digital services delivery team within the General Services Administration, Open Source Policy.
The default position of 18F when developing new projects is to:
Use Free and Open Source Software (FOSS), which is software that does not charge users purchase or licensing fee for modifying or redistributing the source code, in our projects and contribute back to the open-source community.
Develop our work in the open.
Publish publicly all source code created or modified by 18F, whether developed in-house by government staff or through contracts negotiated by 18F.
The responsibility of the Hackers
Any individual participating in an AEC Tech Hackathon, or related event, is solely responsible for properly accrediting authors, owners, and contributors with relation to their project(s).
Participants must follow the licensing guidelines with any open source libraries, software, tools, applications, or the like. Participants are responsible for researching and making themselves aware of the licensing guidelines. AEC Tech organizers cannot provide answers to questions related to licensing guidelines, or the like, but can assist participants in finding reliable resources.
Participants are solely responsible for providing proper credit to other AEC Tech Hackathon participants who provided support, code, guidance, and the like, on final projects. The AEC Tech organizers will publish a list of final Hackathon projects which include the project name, description, GitHub link, team members and companies, and other related links; participants are responsible for providing the organizers with this information and ensuring it is accurate. AEC Tech is not at fault if the information is incorrect or not properly credited.
After the event
AEC Tech, its organizers, and related organizations will promote all final Hackathon projects at the conclusion of the event. We promise to provide proper credit to all participants and their collaborators and to fix any discrepancies that may be promoted on our behalf, provided that discrepancies are agreed upon by all project team members.
AEC Tech is not responsible for any type of promotion, blogs, marketing, social media posts, or the like, that is on behalf of an external organization. All organizations that are not related to AEC Tech, its organizers, and related organizations are solely responsible for information they promote in any medium.
A few additional notes…
AEC Tech and its related organizations cannot provide legal support in regards to Open Source licensing or any similar topics.
We cannot give you legal advice and we cannot address hypothetical situations.
Please don't post legal complaints. We may not respond to issues accurately.
Please don't give other users legal advice, to avoid confusion.